
Thursday, 23 May 2013

Vauxhall Art Car Boot Sale

The Vauxhall Car Boot Sale is not your typical car boot - no rummaging through somebody's old clothes or broken bits of electronics, nor is it like your typical art gallery - nobody in uniform staring you down if you step a little too close to the red rope or telling you off for taking pictures. This car boot certainly has a bit more of a celebrity status, with people camping out the night before to grab the just-for-the-day artworks. It's coming up to it's tenth anniversary, and will be held at Brick Lane Yard Car Park on June 9th.

The car boot will showcase over 70 renowned artists, such as Gavin Turk, Emin International, Sir Peter Blake and Mat Collishaw. And in true car boot spirit the works of art will be quite the bargain, ranging from £10 to £1000, so there is something for every pocket. 

And if you miss out on a bargain piece of art, or you just can't afford any of it, then not to worry because there's a load of entertainment around the car boot sale to enjoy! There will be a game of "Pass the Art Parcel" to raise money for the charity Just For Kids. The game will consist of five parcels, and if the music stops (like any other Pass The Parcel Game) then you get to open a layer, and this could contain an exclusive artwork just for you! There is also a Handbag Disco where you will dance in a tent of classic 70s Disco music around a pile of handbags, disguised by cover bags. When the music stops, you grab a bag and you could have won a Jimmy Choo!

And if you're not interested with fun and games, the alternative food caterers Animal, Vegetable and Mineral will be serving bizarre food such as (literally) inhalable bacon sandwiches and edible hair! 

Entry is just £5 on the door and you can visit from 12-6pm.


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